W H A T G E N E R A T I O N S D O W E B R E E D ?

We only breed Multigenerational Goldendoodles, because they are the ONLY generation where it is possible to breed an entire allergy friendly litter. F1b or F2 generations will still have puppies that shed, so without individual coat testing you don't know what level of shedding you'll get.
Our goal for our puppies is to have the least amount of shedding possible, gorgeous coats, nice balanced and solid structures, and a good balance of poodle and golden retriever temperament. ​The only generation that we've successfully produced these qualities is multigenerational goldendoodles.
Since we coat test our parent dogs, it's easy for us to predict what types of coats we will have in a particular litter. We pair our parent dogs based on their specific coat genetics to ensure we're getting consistent, non-shedding, wavy coats. With the right knowledge of genetics, it's actually very easy to breed out the shedding genetics in our lines, and we've successfully done so for years now.
Now that we've studied the genetics behind the furnishing gene and what makes a gorgeous quality coat, we can breed any generation goldendoodle and produce the same look, same low/non-shedding coats, as long as we pair the parents well according to their coat tests. Our most common breedings are multigenerational goldendoodles, which are any generation past second generation.
Here's a simple generation breakdown to help you understand:
Golden Retriever x Poodle = F1 Goldendoodle (first generation)
F1 Goldendoodle x F1 Goldendoodle = F2 Goldendoodle (second generation)
F1 Goldendoodle x Poodle = F1b Goldendoodle (second generation)
Any generation past second generation = Multigenerational Goldendoodle

W H A T S I Z E S D O W E B R E E D ?

We currently breed mini, medium, and small standard size goldendoodles. We do sometimes have petite size puppies in our mini size litters, but there's never a guarantee that the puppies will inherit the toy size genes from both sides.
These sizes are determined by height. Goldendoodles can be built like poodles (tall and slender), golden retrievers (short and solid), or anything in between. Two goldendoodles can weigh the exact same amount, but its their height that will ultimately determine their size (sometimes its a 4-5" difference!).
We will always breed our goldendoodles down slowly, with no more than a 3-4" difference in height between parents. This is to protect the structure in our lines and reduce joint issues later on. Sometimes our puppies end up smaller or bigger than what we estimate based on the size of the parents, but we're able to tell at around 6 - 7 weeks old if they'll be bigger or smaller than we predict.
Mini Goldendoodle = 14 - 17" at the withers from the ground, usually 15-25lbs.
Medium Goldendoodle = 17 - 21" at the withers from the ground, usually 25-40lbs.
Small Standard Goldendoodle = 21 - 24" at the withers from the ground, usually 40-50lbs.


If we are to bring companion dogs into this world, it is our job to do so responsibly to ensure they live long and healthy lives. There is no excuse for breeder's not to do their due diligence and health test their lines, even if their puppies are "just for pet homes". Pet homes are the most important homes, because they're family members.
"Health tested" doesn't just mean that a local veterinarian did a wellness check or that our dogs are up to date on their vaccines. The ethical code of breeding calls for breed specific GENETIC testing to be done.
Our parent dogs are thoroughly examined by our veterinarian before breeding, but we also perform DNA tests on our parent dogs to make sure they are healthy and don't have any genetic diseases or conditions that could be passed down to their puppies. Even if a dog appears healthy and isn't affected by a disease, they likely carry a gene for a genetic disease, and if bred to another dog that carries the same gene, some of the puppies will be affected. The diseases that commonly affect goldendoodles are Degenerative Myelopathy, Ichthyosis, Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures, Progressive Retinal Atrophy - Golden Retriever 1 & 2, Progressive Retinal Atrophy-Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration, and Von Willebrand Disease.
If one parent is clear and does not carry the genes for these diseases, that parent can't pass on the gene and there will be no puppies affected, even if the other parent is a carrier or is affected. A puppy must inherit a mutated gene from BOTH parents in order to be affected by the disease. Some of these diseases don't affect the dog until they are older, and can be very serious and life altering.
We also screen our parent dogs' hips, elbows, and patellas for joint disease. Hip and elbow dysplasia are common in both golden retrievers and standard poodles, and this can be genetic or occur anytime due to environmental factors. However, we still do our part in making sure the genetic factor of dysplasia is taken out of the equation. Usually, genetically caused hip dysplasia will be seen on x-ray after 4 months old. Without an x-ray, it's almost impossible to diagnose because a dog could go years before showing signs of hip dysplasia and hide their pain from puppyhood very well. The x-ray to the right shows our Godfrey's hips at a year old. If he had hip dysplasia, the joints would be coming out of his sockets. Instead, his joints fit nice and tight in his sockets. We have our veterinarian x-ray each of our parent dogs before they're bred so we can see if they have hip dysplasia or not. We also x-ray their elbows for dysplasia, and our veterinarian will examine our smaller sized parents for luxating patellas (knees).

W H Y D O W E H E A L T H T E S T O U R D O G S ?
We want goldendoodles to be the "low risk" breed when people are looking for a healthy family companion. Due to hybrid vigor and low Co-efficiency of Inbreeding (COI's), the chance of cancer is already reduced, but there are still lots of genetic diseases that can be passed down directly from the parents. The number of dogs brought into animal shelters due to these genetic diseases is high.
REAL LIFE EXAMPLE: A new puppy owner is excited to bring home their new adorable puppy. The puppy is healthy when brought home and the breeder has the normal health warranty for 2 years. He passes his vet exams with flying colors. The new puppy owner thought he was purchasing a puppy from a "reputable" breeder because the puppies were raised well in the breeder's home instead of kennels outside, or the breeder did enrichment protocols with the puppies. However, the breeder doesn't do any health testing at all, they just get wellness checks done on their parent dogs by their local veterinarian. As the dog grows past the age of 2 when the symptoms usually begin, the owners notice that he can no longer see, the dog begins to have trouble walking and moving due to weakness in their limbs, or his skin turns scaly. The dog is no longer under the age of 2, so the breeder warranty is null and void. If the dog owner cannot afford treatment for this genetic disease and does not have the time and energy to manage the symptoms of these diseases, they will sometimes have no choice but to bring their dog to the shelter because there is very little chance of re-homing the dog to someone who is willing to pay for lifelong treatment for the poor dog. We like to think most people would accept their dog no matter what and treat their dog for these diseases, but sadly that is not the world we live in, as proven by the amount of diseased and disabled dogs in shelters. Adopting a wonderful pet, falling in love with it, then loosing that beloved pet to a disease or condition that could have easily been prevented by the breeder is heart breaking.
A health warranty will refund your money, but that will not take away the pain and heart break. Please do your research and ask your breeder what health testing they've done. If a breeder is not able to ensure genetically healthy puppies, they should not be breeding their dogs. ​​​

T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F S T R U C T U R E :

Our goal is to breed the highest quality goldendoodles possible, so when people see them, they know its an RDL goldendoodle.
Have you ever seen an awkward looking goldendoodle that walks around like it has a stick up its rear? We see this all the time, and it only increases that desire to want to produce well balanced dogs.
As breeders, it's our job to never stop trying to improve our lines. Structure is a huge part of this, as we should be producing dogs with both sound minds and sound bodies.
Good conformation allows a dog to move correctly and remain active for it's whole life without going lame or developing arthritis. If there is a mild structural fault in one of our parent dogs, we make sure that we pair them to a mate that does not have that specific fault. If we do, the puppies could have a more exaggerated form of this fault. We want straight, even toplines, great front and rear angulation, feet that point forward, and nice long necks. These are things we look for when choosing a puppy for our breeding program, as well as temperament, health, and coat quality.
We stack our potential keepers between 7 and 8 weeks old and choose the one with the best conformation. Not only is this the best practice for healthy joints, but it makes our dogs look well bred and gorgeous! Our goal will always be to produce well balanced goldendoodles, and our lines will only get better over time.


Furnishing genes are the genes passed down from the poodle that are responsible for shedding, as well as the teddy bear appearance (beard and eyebrows). Examples of breeds with furnishings are schnauzers, yorkies, maltese, bichons, shitzu's, portugese water dogs, and poodles. Poodles usually have their faces shaved, but the fur on their muzzle does grow evenly like the rest of their body if left to grow. Strong furnishing genes result in long even growth all over (in curly, wavy, or straight coats), and low to non-shedding.
If a goldendoodle has NO furnishing gene, they will have a flat coat, often referred to as an Improper Coat. Examples of dogs with no furnishings are australian shepherds, labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and bernese mountain dogs. Dogs without a furnishing gene will have an "open face" with no beard or eyebrows, and the fur on their bodies lies flat.
A furnishing gene could be weak or strong, but it is dominant, meaning a puppy just needs one furnishing gene in order to exhibit a beard and eyebrows. Puppies with only one furnishing gene that appears to be a weak furnishing gene will have a thinner, flatter, and wirey coat that will exhibit some shedding. If we know that some of our puppies inherit only one furnishing gene and its a weak one, we are able to determine this early on. The furnishing gene, both weak and strong, are testable, and we have been able to selectively breed in only strong furnishing genes into our lines. None of our puppies will have weak or flat coats, and they will all be non to low shedding.
​There are two genotypes for curl, since the puppies will inherit one genotype from each parent. The non-curl gene comes from the golden retriever, and the curl gene comes from the poodle. Golden Retrievers have two non-curl genes resulting in a loose wavy coat (no curl), and poodles have two curl genes, resulting in a tight curly coat. When bred together, each parent will pass down one of their genotypes randomly. ALL F1 goldendoodles (golden retriever x poodle) have one curl gene and one non-curl gene, which results in a Wavy Coat, because they can only inherit a non-curl gene form the golden retriever parent and a curl gene from the poodle parent. We test the curl genetics in our dog's DNA to determine which outcome we will get in our puppies.
Over the years, we've bred the curl gene out of our lines and bred only furnishing genes into our lines, so all of our puppies have loose wavy, low to non shedding, teddy bear coats. This has been done by testing our parent dogs' DNA and pairing them to a mate with the coat genetics that compliment them.
The curl gene is completely separate from the furnishing gene. There is a myth that the curliest coats are the least shedding, but that's not true. For example, Yorkies and Shitzus have straight coats (two non curl genes), but because they have two furnishing genes, they don't shed. Another example, the Curly Coated Retriever has a genetically curly coat (two curl genes), but doesn't have a furnishing gene and sheds a lot.


Using the Puppy Culture enrichment protocols is a GREAT way to ensure that your puppy will have the greatest chance of being healthy, happy, smart, and socialized.
In our program, we use Puppy Culture enrichment protocols. This begins when the puppies are 3 days old, and ends when they go home with you.
When the puppies are 3 days old until they are 16 days old, we do early neurological stimulation exercises with each puppy. Dogs who undergo these exercises at this age are proven to have greater tolerance to stress, greater residence to disease, stronger heart rate, stronger heartbeat, and a faster adrenal system.
After that, beginning at 3 weeks old, we get them used to their litter box. They learn early on that there is a specific place to go, and that they can't just go anywhere. We then introduce them to a doggy door when they're ready. When they go home with you, they are very easy to house train!
Around their third week, we begin their noise desensitization as their ears are opening. We introduce them to loud bursts of noise in order to ensure a good startle response later on.
They also begin playing with a new toy each day and begin getting used to different textures.
At 4 weeks old, we introduce problem solving activities and different challenges for your puppy to work through. To quote Jane Killion, the creator of Puppy Culture, "animals who are given learning and problem solving activities in addition to toys and social interaction grow up to be more stable, less easily stressed, less easily frightened, with better learning and memory than animals who are given the same toys and socialization with no learning and problem solving".
Around 6 weeks old, we begin working on manding (learn to sit instead of jump for attention), grooming, food aggression, and getting the puppies used to different heights and surfaces, as well as their crate. Puppy Culture focuses on making each new thing a positive experience for your puppy early on, so that they are used to the necessary things like baths, grooming, and crate training by the time they go home with you. Because we focus on using positive reinforcement from such a young age, your puppy will love to please.
We try our best to prepare our puppies for their new homes using Puppy Culture, but the rest depends on you. Studies show that a dog is the most receptive to learning in the first 12 weeks. What they learn during the first 12 weeks of life will stay with them forever. Our puppies go home at 8 weeks old, so we encourage each of our puppy owners to purchase the Puppy Culture video, "The Powerful First 12 Weeks" and use weeks 8 through 12 to the best of their ability. Watching these videos, you'll learn how your puppy learns and what the best ways to train them are. Jane Killion's book, "When Pigs Fly" is another resource we highly recommend, as well as her resource for new puppy owners, "With Open Arms". You'll see things through your dog's eyes and these training techniques begin to make complete sense. This will also prepare you and help you tackle obstacles that could arise. We've found that our puppies transition a lot better when our puppy owner's prepare with Puppy Culture before bringing their puppy home. Click the icon below to order Jane Killion's videos (on demand or DVD) or books: